Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Welcome Return...

Evening All,

Well, it has been quite a journey these last two and a half years or so. I left work on a Friday in May of 2010 with a sobering prognosis and I returned to work today, a Friday, with a doctor's release and a bright future. It was great to see everyone. It was almost like I'd never left. Thank you family and friends new and old for all you have done for us through this journey. We were never created to be alone and you have reminded us of that so many times through your prayers, cards and kindnesses to us. We can truly sing to the Lord a new song for He has done great things.

Steve and Dawn

1 comment:

  1. Steve - wonderful news that you are back at work. I'm so happy that your heatlth is good. Enjoy and take good care of yourself and your family!

